Tag Archives: Billy


Billy the Beaver Says, “Say NO to Bullying”


Posted by on 06/11/2015 in Bacon, Billy the Beaver


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Billy the Beaver Did What?!

  Oh my friends – with everything going on here at the house, I got way behind on some important things.  Like Billy the Beaver.  Shakes piggy head.  Right before the renovation, he started chewing up the furniture.  Just look at what he did to this table stand – those teeth of his are powerful and very, very destructive.

Unlike his sweet sister Beatrice who went on to have a wonderful modeling career, Billy is a little character who seems to stay in trouble here.  There’s lots of wood out now from after the renovation so we are having to keep an eye for those teeth of his who seems to want to gnaw everything in sight.

Who knows what he might get into next.  Stay tuned to find out.  I will definitely be keeping a piggy eye on him!


Posted by on 05/13/2015 in Bacon, Billy the Beaver


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Mom Get Your Beaver Off the Table

Oh dear friends.  This is exactly what I overheard daddy telling mommy.  “Get your beaver off the table.”  Then, I went and looked at mom’s pictures on her phone and find her beaver on the table!  I was shocked.  I was in awe.  I was almost piggy mortified.

But as I do sometimes, I get ahead of myself.  You see when mom/dad met up with Shoko and Kali’s parents in Alabama, they exchanged gifts.  One of the gifts was this beaver – and don’t worry Shoko and Kali’s mom has a matching one.  Snorts – astonishing I know!  Those two brought their matching beavers drinking and out to a restaurant!  Can you imagine what everyone thought when they put them on the table?

And mom’s little beaver was drinking.  There goes any sanity that might have been thought about that night.  And then… they named their beavers.  Rolls piggy eyes.  I guess if men can name their toys, girls can too.  Snorts with laughter.

Mom named hers Billy.  That sounds like a good old southern name doesn’t it?  Well – oinks – you know there has to be a story behind that name.  You see for the longest time mom/dad watched this television show called Billy the Exterminator.  Billy was one of the main guys on the show along with his mom, dad and brother.  In their business, they would go to houses and make unwanted animals go away like roaches, snakes, mice, squirrels, etc.  One time, his mom called Billy for a job on removing some beavers.  She gave him the information and told him, “Billy, go get that beaver.”  Now, there is just something so wrong with a mom telling her son, “Go get that beaver”.  Shakes piggy head in amusement.  Maybe it was the way she said it?  I’m not sure.  But it was so funny that daddy fell off the couch laughing.

So today my friends, I leave you with this cute little beaver I found on the internet.  Have a great Monday!

And P.S.  Thank you so much my friends Jean and Bill (Kali and Shoko’s parents) for the beaver.  This little guy has gotten around into a lot of places – don’t worry the camera has followed him – snorts.


Posted by on 03/23/2015 in Bacon


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31 Days of Spook – Story Submission


How are you making it my dear sweet friends.  Are you enjoying my 31 Days of Spook.  Are you getting scared yet?  Do you need to hold my hoof?  Today I have another great story submission by my pals Mop, Dusty, Billy, Pip, Cupcake and Cocoa.  Do you know these happy little guinea pigs from Living the Squeak Life?  If you don’t you are surely missing out on some entertainment and adventures.  Be sure to visit their blog – and tell them that Bacon sent you.

“Whee went on a little camp not too long ago and stayed in a grand old house once the home of an old Earl. It wasn’t long before whee learned that the hall had many creepy stories hanging over it, wheek! Now whee will share our tale with you. Mop, being our story-teller, will lead this story.

 I led my friends up the stairs. There were many grand stairs which led to a large room at the bottom. The perfect place for a wedding. I could already imagine the Bride-Pig coming down here from one side, meeting her father before descending down to meet the Groom-Pig at the bottom of the stairs.

Seemed I wasn’t the only one who thought this! For, what were the odds that on that very day there was a wedding?  A beautiful piggy in a gorgeous dress sat at the top of the stairs.

“Sorry!” I squeaked, filled with embarrassment. Pip was rather attracted to the pale grey sow but, I promptly reminded him that she was in a wedding dress. “I didn’t realize that there was a wedding here today.”

She promised that it was okay and so on whee carried. After exploring the hall whee headed back down to where our tour guide waited. “You didn’t tell us there was a wedding today!” Cupcake wheeked, ever the old romantic.

“There isn’t.” He replied.

Whee were horrified! Who was that whee had bumped into? A bit of research soon uncovered a creepy story about an unfaithful Bride-Pig who slept with another boar on the night before her wedding. In a rage the Groom-Pig killed her and she has wandered the halls ever since, looking for the wedding that never was. Is it her who whee saw? The Grey Piggy of the hall?”


Posted by on 10/10/2014 in 31 Days of Spook, Bacon


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Elf on the Shelf Submissions – Voting Begins

Hello my friends.  As you know, I put together a contest for the adoption of a captured Elf on the Shelf that I have here at the Hotel Thompson.  My captured Elf is a distant relative of my Elf on the Shelf – Don Juan.  Although they are relatives, who knows how the captured Elf will act once he is released and gets his powers the day after Thanksgiving.

We thought here at the Hotel Thompson, we would have a contest to see who would like to have the captured Elf.  Your mission was to send me an email of why you should have him in your house.  I got several submissions and we thank you for them.  Today, I’m going to highlight the submissions we have received.

Submission 1 – Evil 

Submission 1 comes from my friend Evil Squirrel.  WOW.  That’s really a lot in that WOW.  He didn’t email a request.  Instead he did a blog about why they deserve the Elf at the Evil Squirrels Nest.  You can read all about it here.  Some of his favorite tenants on his shelf to include: Swing Squirrel, Rain Gauge Skunk, Buster Possum, Snuggle Bear and others you have to read to believe voiced their opinions about the Elf.


Submission 2 – Sammy

Submission 2 comes from Sammy.  Get your Kleenexes my friends.  This is what Sammy and his mom sent:

“Dear Cousin, well I think you’ve come up with a pawsome contest and OF COURSE I have to enter – what self-respecting Cousin wouldn’t enter his Cousin’s contest anyway?  Huh???  HUH?????

 So, why should I win?  What can I do to make my very own Elf on the Shelf “at home” here with my folks and me?  Well, it’s simple really.   My Mom is pawsitive that elves do exist – for real.  They live in the woods and we can hear them talk about us when we go down into our woods for walks…….I get glimpses of them down there too.  We just know that we could give one of them (the one you’ve got trapped in a box right now) a good home INSIDE our house instead of outside with those other elves.  He could sit inside in the nice warm house (or cool house in summer) and make faces at the others who are jealous of him living in the lap of luxury (or shelf of luxury).
I’ve had a rough time lately with my thyroid mess so I’m going to play the “poor pitiful me” card here and say I deserve the elf because I’m old, tired, and taking medication that makes me sleep all the time – when I open my eyes up I’d like to see a happy little elf staring back at me.  Yep – that’s the truth of the matter…….I just think he’d make a fun friend for me in my retirement years.  Now get out your hanky and blow your snout – I know I’ve got you in tears right about now………….HAHAHAHAHAHA
Hugs, Sammy the Elderly.  Here’s the woods where the other elves live.  They spy on us all the time!  You can’t see them but they’re there!  Trust me on that!
Submission 3 – Sue Brandes with Katsrus 
Can you say aaww – look closely at the box my friends.  This is what Sue says in her email:
“t gets pretty nosy when the lights go out here at night. I think my kitties are up to something they don’t want me to know about. When I get up to look everyone is always sleeping and acting all innocent. As soon as I lay back down I hear stomping and running around. I really need someone who could spy on them for me and tell what they are doing? Or is it something else and not the cats? I did catch this but; all I could see was a box. Can you see anything?”
Submission 4 – Samuel and Wallace
Okay – My friends Wally and Samuel sent this heart tugging email you have to read.
“So even though WE are sending this submission we need you to know that it is actually for our mom…you see mom is a Christmas FREAK! She LOVES Christmas like no-one else in our family. Now living in South Africa means that we don’t really get to have the full Northern Hemisphere Christmas experience. For starters Christmas time is summer time here in South Africa so no white Christmas for us. Also, we don’t have Elf on a Shelf here in SA. In fact mom only learnt about Elf on a Shelf 2 years ago when she joined Pinterest and started coming across all these pins dedicated to little the guy and the mischief he gets up to. Now we can assure you that if you were to send us one of your Elves he would be the ONLY Elf on a Shelf to be getting up to mischief in the WHOLE of South Africa…let us repeat that…THE. WHOLE. OF. SOUTH. AFRICA. Put another way, WE NEED A SOUTH AFRICAN ELF ON A SHELF (pleeeeease).   Ok, so we’re gonna let you ponder our pitiful plea and we’re keeping our paws crossed that you and your readers will take pity on our mom and grant her this special Christmas wish…an Elf on a Shelf of her very own.  BIG licks your pals,  Wally & Sammy
Submission 5 – The Pigs
Another heart tug in the right direction from my friends The Pigs (Dusty, Billy, Pip and Cocoa).  Here’s what they had to say in their emotional email:
“It wasn’t very long ago that whee began to muse on the thought of not only being a pet, but having one too. Whee piggies know very well how to BE pets but whee’ve never actually had the chance to look after a little chap or chap-ess of our very own. Of course our ‘one’ couldn’t be any old Tom, Dick or Harry. After putting our heads together whee decided that whee would need somebody very special to be our own.Then came the thought: what if it wasn’t a pet? What if it was a little terror that ran around and tried to eat all our veggies! For a while whee squabbled over this then Cocoa pointed out that whee share the hoomans veggies for don’t they eat carrots too – all chopped up and boiled though, yuck! So whee promptly decided that whee wouldn’t mind that either. There were many questions that whee had to discuss:

  • Would whee be able to afford it? (Luckily Mop has a wealth of Carrot Coins so whee’re safe there.)
  • Exercise? (Pip is a mad house. He really could use something, or someone, that can help him to work off all those beans with a walk each day, or perhaps a kick-a-bout of a football.)
  • What would our pet eat?
  • Where would it stay?
  • Would whee be good pet owners?

Each question whee slowly went through, making sure that whee would fully be able to provide for our little friend. In the end, whee decided that whee would be able to for whee have been shown lots of love and have had a good example with which to pass on.  Then was the biggest dilemma. Who would whee like to give a home too?  Whee searched website after website after website. Then whee came across a little elf. A little chubby cheeked elf with bright eyes and a funny little smile. Could he be the one?

In order to stand a chance of giving him a home whee need to explain to you, Bacon, why whee would be a good home to such a little chap.  Guinea-pigs, as a breed are very social animals. Out in the wild whee live in small groups and here, in captivity, whee like to have at least one cagemate though some places have many! Here there are only six of us. Whee have been thinking and have decided that whee would like to expand our group. Upon adopting this cheeky chap, if whee are chosen, whee promise to embrace him into our home. Our bed will be his bed. Our food, his food. Whee are ready to take on a little friend and, after many long months of preparation have finally, hopefully, made our decision. It was a hard choice to make, there were so many choices from fae to fairies and pixies but now whee really believe that this little elf is the one for us!

Now a little bit about our family. Whee range in age from five years to only 4 months old. This means whee have a range of different skills. Mop is retired from her job now but does enjoy going to the local Little Library where she reads books to all the pups, kittens and other baby animals that come there regularly. She also knits a range of different clothing and objects for a range of different reasons.

Dusty is an astronomer. He spends a lot of time gazing up at the stars. You might think that this would make him distant but it his income and Mop’s former income that has provided us with the means to look after our little boy, or girl.

Billy is a sportsman. He plays an attack position in the local rugby team, the Peel Pigeons. This has turned him into a very dedicated individual. Despite this he is very gentle, as was demonstrated when his young friend, Cupcake, gave birth to her children. He was very happy to babysit, showing how patient and caring he is. (Plus, he enjoys the games that children like to play – such as throwing a ball around!)

Pip is a children’s entertainer. He dresses up as clowns, knights, dragons, lions. This little ginger pig is perfect to help our elf, should we be allowed to have him, develop his imagination. Whee really do want to give him the best start in life. Nothing will be too good for our little boy!

Cupcake is a teacher at the local primary school which Cupcake now attends. She works there part-time as she is also a house wife and needs to be there for her young daughter, Cocoa.

Cocoa will be the friend to the little chap. Whee hope her and him will have a fantastic relationship!

So, here it is. Our petition to you. Whee hope that whee have answered all your questions and if a more suitable home is found for him, whee will continue our hunt for a pet. Our decision is made and we’ll make sure that some little chap or chap-ess, somewhere, will get a new start in our home.”



You’ve read all of the submissions.  Now it’s time for *you* to judge and post your vote.  The winner will be announced at a later date.  Who do YOU think the captured Elf needs to go and live with for his adventures?  NOTE:  Voting will end midnight on Wednesday, September 10, 2014.  This gives everyone plenty of time to post their submissions on their blogs and encourage voting.  Good luck my friends – let the voting begin!



Posted by on 09/04/2014 in Bacon


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Wonderful Team Member Readership Award

SQUEAL!! This little oinker was privileged to receive this Wonderful Team Member Readership Award from my sweet friend  Shrimp .  Shrimp is an awesome purr thing.  You *have* to go check his blog out and tell him Bacon sent you.  I LOVE awards.  You can’t see me but I’m doing the happy oinker dance right now in my room in between typing on my keyboard.  I’m so excited!!  Thank you pal so very much!!

The rules of this award is to link back and nominate 14 bloggers.  It’s very hard to do this because personally I think everyone deserves this award!  In fact, if you don’t have this award please accept it my friends.  Share and share alike!

My nominees:

Will and Eko

Mop, Billy, Dusty, Cupcake and Pigsqueak


Cocco and Katie

Cousin Sammy

Brother Easy

Reilly and Denny

Noah, Nacho, Buddy and Basil

My great inspiration Pink Ninjabi


Marty the Manx


My sweet Girlfriend Nylablue

Lori and my Duck Friends


Thank you again sweet Shrimp.  I really appreciate the award!!  And if any of my nominees don’t do the awards – that’s fine.  Just know that all of my friends are LOVED by this little oinker!!


Posted by on 05/21/2014 in Bacon


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