Tag Archives: suicide

31 Days of Spook – Mental Health Ward

Today, let’s tell another true story from daddy.  I know you’re dying to hear it – evil snorts.

To get through college, daddy worked at a local hospital on the mental health ward.  No those rumors are not true – that is not where he met mommy – snorts.  When he first started at the hospital, he worked the midnight shift. The mental health ward during this time was in the basement right beside the morgue.  That would bring shivers to this little piggy to begin with.

One of his co-workers  told him a story the first couple of days that he was in training that still to this day puts his nerves on edge.  They said that years earlier, a mental health patient had gotten out of their rooms in the middle of the night.  They went into the  elevator and hung themselves around 3:00AM. Staff of the hospital found the mental health patient hanging in the elevator dead.

Since then, the elevators had locks installed on them and they won’t work without the key being inserted to call for the elevator.  The nurse told daddy that every night at 3:00AM, without fail, the elevator doors would open by themselves.  Daddy didn’t take too much into this until the first time he worked by himself.  The nurse’s station was right in front of the elevator doors.  Exactly at 3:00AM, the doors opened all by themselves. It still sends chills up and down daddy’s spine.  And the elevators to this date, still open and close exactly at 3:00AM.  Nothing is wrong with them, they’ve been checked.  There is no reason for them to open at this particular time.  Anyone going up?


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31 Days of Spook – Martha Washington Boarding School

Hello friends.  Are you spooked yet?  Well today I continue with my guest submission by Angie Deptula.  Wasn’t her submission earlier today just chilling?  Well, your in for a extra treat with her final submission.  Happy reading my spooks.

There once was a boarding school for delinquent girls, named Martha Washington Institute or Martha Washington School for Girls. It was located at Brighton Beach on Lake Washington in Seattle. It functioned from 1900-1971, and at one point became known as “Martha Washington School for the Insane Girls.” Prior to this, Judge Smith had owned the house. Smith built the home with a nursery and a boathouse, with a hollow stairway to a madrone tree on the property, a location that plays a role in today’s hauntings. Rumors of violence, murder and suicide are associated with the school while it was opened.  It is thought that a janitor of the school had raped and killed a girl by hanging her on the tree. Whether this hanging was done on the madrone tree or not, I’m not aware of that.

In 1971, after the school closed, a satanic group utilized the building for rituals and sacrificed animals on the property. Because this is within a residential location, the general community became uneasy with the building so the city council decided to have the building demolished and turned into a park. Today, without knowing the history of the location, one would think nothing of it.

The park is a popular spot for people to walk their dogs at, or relax and picnic on a nice sunny day. However when nighttime comes, the empty park has an ominous atmosphere. Paranormal activities occur frequently. The old madrone tree is still present and is thought to have ghostly energies attached to it. And the area where the stairway Judge Smith once built is still there and is thought to be a portal. Visitors often feel a presence or become uneasy in that area like they’re being watched. Disembodied footsteps and screaming have also been reported in the park. Teenagers who visit in odd numbers have had a spirit follow them home. A mom who was once visiting the park one evening took a picture of her son and noticed behind him an apparition of a girl looking right at her. Sightings of a girl have been reported multiple times by different sources as well.

One in particular is from a good friend of mine, Pam. One day Pam and her two friends visited the park early in the morning. The girls walked around the empty park. Pam was walking with one of her friend, while the other was off somewhere else. Pam caught movement from her peripheral and turned, noticing a female apparition of a girl in a white nightgown walking, coming up side-by- side to her and her friend. She choked up, froze, the blood rushed out of her face as she realized this girl was translucent. Pam’s friend quickly realized why: Her friend acknowledged the ghostly girl too. They ran and called for their other friend, hurrying to the car. Inside the car, the new car would not start. The girls panicked, feeling ice cold, squealing and squirming in their seats. After a few minutes, the car finally started and they sped away. Pam and the girls have never returned since.

I have been to the park too, with friends, but have never experienced anything like that. I never explored the park long enough, probably because I was too chicken from all the spooky stories I’ve heard of. However, I did feel uneasy, overcome with chills as I felt like invisible eyes were on me the whole time. It’s indescribable, but the place really does feel ominous at night. I wonder if this girl in the white dress or nightgown is the same girl who was killed or murdered at the school, and if she’s the same apparition seen over and over by others? I can imagine there being other spirits on site as well if the place was once used as a satanic gathering. The mysteries of this place are left unknown, but the uneasiness it provokes onto visitors still remains.


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31 Days of Spook – Mental Health Ward

Today, let’s tell another true story from daddy.  I know you’re dying to hear it – evil snorts.

To get through college, daddy worked at a local hospital on the mental health ward.  No those rumors are not true – that is not where he met mommy – snorts.  When he first started at the hospital, he worked the midnight shift. The mental health ward during this time was in the basement right beside the morgue.  That would bring shivers to this little piggy to begin with.

One of his co-workers  told him a story the first couple of days that he was in training that still to this day puts his nerves on edge.  They said that years earlier, a mental health patient had gotten out of their rooms in the middle of the night.  They went into the  elevator and hung themselves around 3:00AM. Staff of the hospital found the mental health patient hanging in the elevator dead.

Since then, the elevators had locks installed on them and they won’t work without the key being inserted to call for the elevator.  The nurse told daddy that every night at 3:00AM, without fail, the elevator doors would open by themselves.  Daddy didn’t take too much into this until the first time he worked by himself.  The nurse’s station was right in front of the elevator doors.  Exactly at 3:00AM, the doors opened all by themselves. It still sends chills up and down daddy’s spine.  And the elevators to this date, still open and close exactly at 3:00AM.  Nothing is wrong with them, they’ve been checked.  There is no reason for them to open at this particular time.  Anyone going up?


Posted by on 10/21/2015 in 31 Days of Spook, Bacon


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31 Days of Spook – Edward Mordrake

Oh friends.  This might be a scary one for you to digest.  Can you imagine a man with two faces?  Not only is this scary but sad.  Read below if you dare! 


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Murder or Suicide?

Oh my pigs!!  I read this story the other day and was shocked and amazed.  You see I love these shows like Forensic Files and don’t get me started with the Investigative Discovery channel.  You can *always* see them on my television in my bedroom.  But I digress.  I was reading this story which is a wonderful case of is it murder or was it suicide.  I had to share.  Forgive me cause it’s kind of long – but you have to read it.  It’s good and will make you go WOWZER!

The medical examiner viewed the body of Ronald Opus and concluded that he died from a gunshot wound to the head caused by a shotgun.  Investigation to that point had revealed that Opus had jumped from the top of the tenth story building with the intent on committing suicide due to a note he had left.  As he passed the ninth floor on the way down, there was a shotgun blast through a window that killed him instantly.  Neither the shooter from the ninth floor nor Opus was aware that a safety net had been put up at the eighth story floor level to protect some window washers therefore Opus would not have been able to commit suicide.  

Now let’s talk about that shot on the ninth floor.  There was an elderly man/woman who were having a domestic dispute.  They had been married for forty years and in those years, they would argue and the man would always wave his shotgun at his wife.  Now, in all of those years the shotgun has never been loaded.  It was a mere threat that the man would make and both of them knew it was just a gesture and he didn’t actually mean anything by it.  But this date… this date the gun went off, went through the window and made contact with the guy jumping from the roof hitting him in the head and killing him instantly.  

Why was there a bullet in the shotgun all of a sudden after all of these years not being one?  Well, the elderly man/woman had a son. The son was upset that the mom had stopped supporting him financially.  The son thought by loading the shotgun, his dad would ‘accidentally’ shoot his mother and therefore he would then be able to get some money from his father.  For six weeks, the son waited for the great argument to no avail.

Now keep up with me here because this is where it gets really interesting.  The son got depressed because things weren’t happening fast enough.  So what does he do?  He leaves a suicide note and decides to jump off of the building.  You see the elderly couple’s son was Ronald Opus.  

So my friends here is the question – homicide or suicide?  


Posted by on 09/23/2015 in Bacon


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31 Days of Spook – Mental Health Ward

Hello friends.  Today is a wonderful day indeed.  You have made it more than half way through my scares.  I applaud you for making it this far.  You deserve some credit.  So today, let’s tell another true story from daddy.  I know you’re dying to hear it – evil snorts.

To get through college, daddy worked at a local hospital on the mental health ward.  No those rumors are not true – that is not where he met mommy – snorts.

When he first started at the hospital, he worked the midnight shift. The mental health ward during this time was in the basement right beside the morgue.  That would bring shivers to this little piggy to begin with.

One of his co-workers  told him a story the first couple of days that he was in training that still to this day puts his nerves on edge.  They said that years earlier, a mental health patient had gotten out of their rooms in the middle of the night.  They went into the  elevator and hung themselves around 3:00AM. Staff of the hospital found the mental health patient hanging in the elevator dead.

Since then, the elevators had locks installed on them and they won’t work without the key being inserted to call for the elevator.  The nurse told daddy that every night at 3:00AM, without fail, the elevator doors would open by themselves.  Daddy didn’t take too much into this until the first time he worked by himself.  The nurse’s station was right in front of the elevator doors.  Exactly at 3:00AM, the doors opened all by themselves. It still sends chills up and down daddy’s spine.  And the elevators to this date, still open and close exactly at 3:00AM.  Nothing is wrong with them, they’ve been checked.  There is no reason for them to open at this particular time.  Anyone going up?


Posted by on 10/26/2014 in Bacon, 31 Days of Spook


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31 Days of Spook – Day 23

Hello friends – Count Baconula here.  Today is a wonderful day indeed.  Not only are the humans coming home from their lovely vacation, you have made it more than half way through my scares.  I applaud you for making it this far.  You deserve some credit.  So today, let’s tell another true story from daddy.  I know you’re dying to hear it – evil snorts.

To get through college, daddy worked at a local hospital on the mental health ward.  No those rumors are not true – that is not where he met mommy – snorts.

When he first started at the hospital, he worked the midnight shift. The mental health ward during this time was in the basement right beside the morgue.  That would bring shivers to this little piggy to begin with.

One of his co-workers  told him a story the first couple of days that he was in training that still to this day puts his nerves on edge.  They said that years earlier, a mental health patient had gotten out of their rooms in the middle of the night.  They went into the  elevator and hung themselves around 3:00AM. Staff of the hospital found the mental health patient hanging in the elevator dead.

Since then, the elevators had locks installed on them and they won’t work without the key being inserted to call for the elevator.  The nurse told daddy that every night at 3:00AM, without fail, the elevator doors would open by themselves.  Daddy didn’t take too much into this until the first time he worked by himself.  The nurse’s station was right in front of the elevator doors.  Exactly at 3:00AM, the doors opened all by themselves. It still sends chills up and down daddy’s spine.  And the elevators to this date, still open and close exactly at 3:00AM.  Nothing is wrong with them, they’ve been checked.  There is no reason for them to open at this particular time.  Anyone going up?


Posted by on 10/23/2013 in Bacon


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