Tag Archives: circles

Journey with Friends – Week 19

Welcome my friends to our weekly issue of Journey with Friends.  This is a time that we come together for support, for encouragement, for fellowship – all with one single goal in mind – to live better.  Welcome to our journey to share our goals and our accomplishments and our disappointments and frustrations.

Together we can do this!

Sunday, May 7, 2017 –  The good thing about challenging myself to a perfect month is committing to exercise every day for at least 30 minutes.  Once upon a time, it sounded so foreign to me to want to do this.  These days, it’s normal talk.  Funny how things change like that.  Miles Moved: 1.47

Monday, May 8, 2017 –  The best things about Monday is the start of a new week.  Normally coming off of a weekend, I am so ready to walk some stress off.  But with walking on the weekends now, it’s the fact that I *need* to really walk in a workout.  Your life changes so quickly it seems.  Just to think I use to be a couch potato that sat at my desk all day and on the sofa at night watching television.  What have I become? Miles Moved: 3.20

Tuesday, May 9, 2017 –  The days are getting hotter here.  Soon I’m going to have to start changing clothes before I hit the streets during my lunch break.  But it does seem like I’m seeing more and more people outside now as I walk.  There was more people watching me over the winter months than I knew.  People are watching me and that makes me feel safe in my walks through the neighborhood and building complex.  You just never know who is watching.  Miles Moved: 3.06

Wednesday, May 10, 2017 –  I’m extremely busy this time of the month with preparing some monthly statistics.  My mind is mush.  So it really does feel to get away from my desk for a short period of time and walk off some steam.  Too bad my mind doesn’t shut down while I’m walking.  How can I walk and still configure numbers in my mind?  Giggles – nerd never shuts down.  Miles Moved: 2.26

Thursday, May 11, 2017 –   Okay, I think I have this new way of living down pact with exercising and moving.  Next week, new food choices will be put in effect.  Of course my hub will act like I’m starving him to death – LOL.  Must shop this weekend for all foods and restock the house with healthy choices.  Miles Moved: 2.64

Friday, May 12, 2017 –  I’m exhausted today.  I feel wiped out like I’m trying to come down with a summer cold.  Really Mother Nature?  Please don’t do this to me okay.  I really don’t have the time.   Miles Moved: 2.40

Saturday, May 13, 2017 –  What happened to the old me and where did she go?  This was a day that did not end and I’ll tell you a secret.  I loved every minute of it.  I never would say that with the old me.  We took my mom out today for Mother’s Day and afterwards went shopping to a couple of places.  Then I went home and cleaned out my closet and dresser taking some items to Goodwill.  Then I swept and mopped the entire house.  Did a load of laundry and folded.  Cleaned out the anipal rooms.  What was I thinking getting all of this done in one day?  So weird having all of this energy.   Miles Moved: 2.85


Thoughts for the week:  Another great week behind me to full rings every days on my Apple i-Watch.  Go me!  When I first started this challenge, I though it would be difficult.  Yet I find myself having more and more energy instead.  So very weird – I’ll take it anyday!  My sister said that once you get on a row, you don’t want to stop.  I so see what she is talking about!  Let’s go for another perfect week my friends! 

This week walked: 17.88

TOTAL 2017 Miles:  216.55


Posted by on 05/15/2017 in Journey with Friends


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Journey with Friends – WEEK 6

Welcome my friends to our weekly issue of Journey with Friends.  This is a time that we come together for support, for encouragement, for fellowship – all with one single goal in mind – to live better.  Welcome to our journey to share our goals and our accomplishments and our disappointments and frustrations.

Together we can do this!

February 5, 2017: I’m definitely living for my Sundays – the day of rest from all exercise.  The big game is on tonight so I’m sure I will get some exercise from jumping up/down and screaming at the television.  That counts, right?  Giggles.  Miles Moved: 0.95

February 6, 2017: I’m so excited!  I finally got my green exercise ring to move and I am kicking it like you won’t believe.  My goal this week is to have perfect circles in everything – activity, exercise and stand – all week long.  I think I can do this.  Some people have asked what the circles do.  I have an Apple i-Watch that does everything ❤ .  On the Apple i-Watch, you have an activity app that keeps up with three things – your activity, your exercise and your stand.  Your activity ring is the red ring.  That tells you how many calories you are burning for that particular day.  For this week, my calories are set for 370 calories therefore my goal is 370; however, as you can tell from the picture, I’m normally doing twice as much as that – yay me!  Your goal calories changes from week to week.  It can be higher or lower and gives you something to shoot for.  The exercise ring is the green ring.  It is recommended that you do some type of exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and that is your goal.  If you do more, the green just keeps wrapping around like the red.  And then there is the blue ring.  That is your stand goal.  The app is set up that it wants you to stand 12 out of 12 hours.  Which means, if you sit too long not doing anything, your watch will buzz to let you know you need to get up and move.  Neat huh?  I hope that explains more.  I’m in LOVE with this i-Watch and can’t thank my sister enough for the gift.  It has really helped mt to be more aware of what I need to do everyday.  And the stand reminder is awesome at work because sometimes I get too involved in paperwork and forget to move.  Miles Moved: 2.23img_9123

February 7, 2017:  My RA in my hip has really been giving me a tough time today.  It may be the wetness in the air due to some rain we are suppose to be getting.  Do your bones/joints let you know when rain is coming?   It’s the pits for sure.  But still, during lunch at work, I got up and moved it around the parking lot.  In fact, I think I kicked it really well 🙂 Miles Moved: 3.06

February 8, 2017:  The rain did come in – thank goodness!  But my hip is still giving me problems.  It *hates* me moving.  Regardless, I hurt if I move and I hurt if I don’t move.  So what am I going to do?  Walk of course – LOL.  Miles Moved:2.34

February 9, 2017:  People around my office complex are starting to recognize me from walking so much.  I think it’s cute.  If they are outside of the building when I come around, they now wave and tell me how proud they are of me getting out there and moving.  Crazy huh?  It really does inspire me to keep going at it especially when my hip is yelling.  Miles Moved: 1.96

February 10, 2017: YAY!  I never thought Friday would get here.  I have to say that I almost had a perfect week.  I was so tired last night that I went to bed early missing two hours of stand time.  But I’m good with that.  Today I felt really great so I kicked it up a notch on my lunch walk. Felt awesome!  Miles Moved: 2.70 miles

February 11, 2017:  Today’s agenda is to run errands in the morning, movie in the afternoon and then rest.  Lots of rest.  Miles Moved: 1.16

Thoughts for the week:  As time has went by, there has been several changes that I’ve seen.  My body is one.  My tastes is another one.  I use to be a huge potato chip fan.  I loved them – all of them.  But these days, I don’t want any of them at all.  Just thinking of them, turns my stomach.  And I’m also happy to say that I still have not had a single soda.  It has been 43 days now since my last one last year.  Some days are easier than others.  Some days I struggle and realize that this is a lifetime change.  So how did you do this week my friends?

This week walked: 14.40

TOTAL 2017 Miles:  73.05

January Weight Loss:  -12.00 pounds (88 more to go!)


Posted by on 02/13/2017 in Journey with Friends


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