Journey with Friends – Week 20

22 May

Welcome my friends to our weekly issue of Journey with Friends.  This is a time that we come together for support, for encouragement, for fellowship – all with one single goal in mind – to live better.  Welcome to our journey to share our goals and our accomplishments and our disappointments and frustrations.

Together we can do this!

Sunday, May 14, 2017 –  The funny thing about today being Mother’s Day.  I took my mom out yesterday for lunch and shopping.  You know because it would be less busy and then today I would have time for myself to have me time relaxing.  Funny how plans don’t work out that way.  I took my mom out again today for lunch with more exciting shopping.  More shopping meant more walking/exercising.  Awesome huh?  Of course many miles later and many dollars spent, I’m exhausted with what feels like no rest this weekend 😦  Miles Moved: 2.03

Monday, May 15, 2017 –   Coming to work today felt like a vacation after the olympic weekend I had – LOL.  Don’t get me wrong.  I enjoyed my time with my mom and shopping, which I hate to do but enjoyed with mom.  But today, I need to really hit some pavement.  Miles Moved: 2.93

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 –  Today was definitely a challenge to get my time/rings covered on my i-Watch.  I was working by myself today which meant I had to take time where I could, no long walks outside.  That’s the great thing I love about my i-Watch.  It doesn’t matter how much time you have here/there.  It all adds up at the end of the day.  It really motivates me which is what I need.  Go Apple i-Watch!  Miles Moved: 2.49

Wednesday, May 17, 2017 –   I can tell my body is shifting again.  I feel like I’m standing taller/more straight.  My tummy doesn’t feel like it jets out as much and my boobs don’t feel like they have separate zip codes these days.  Little things that all add up and make you smile and believe that you are walking in the right step.  I’ve also changed our diet this week at night.  I’m trying to keep it fresh but yet on this way of eating plan with the hub unit.  So far, he hasn’t complained about what I’m fixing.  That in itself is a bonus cause the guy loves his food – 🙂  Miles Moved: 2.67

Thursday, May 18, 2017 –  Okay Mother Nature I get it.  It’s the middle of May and almost the beginning of Sweaty Summer as I like to call it.  But honestly we do have a couple of more weeks left before the dreaded Sweaty Summer so please play nice and keep it somewhat cool outside for my walks.  Today it was H.O.T.  We are talking I came back in from my walk in a puddle of sweat.  This is not good trying to work the rest of the day.  I know I have a secluded office but trust me no one wants to smell that – really.  Tomorrow I must rethink my plan of action.  Walking around 10:30-11:00AM is not going to work with Sweaty Summer.  Miles Moved: 2.41

Friday, May 19, 2017 –   Take that Mother Nature!  I walked at 9:00 AM while the birds were still chirping and peeps were still thinking about coming in to work.  I got to work early and hit the pavement.  Still hot but manageable hot.  I must remember this for future walks during this time of the year.  Heck, if all fails I can still do the path I’ve created in my office building.  I’m sure everyone will love to see me walking through the halls – LOL  Miles Moved: 2.74

Saturday, May 20, 2017 –  Today completes 3  full weeks of having perfect circles. I’m exhausted.  LOL – I can honestly say that. I need a rest. Hopefully tomorrow.  Miles Moved: 2.13

Thoughts for the week:  Finally after 20 weeks, I really feel big changes in my body.  So much so that I finally bought – gulps – a new swimsuit.  Can you believe that?  Now it didn’t hurt that the swimsuit had Mickey Mouse (my idol) all over it – LOL.  But I can’t wait to get it.  The swimsuit is unlike anything I’ve had before.  But you know what?  I feel more confidence with my body.  If you look at the beaches these days, there are all types of shapes wearing swimsuits.  Confidence in oneself is key to this.  I’m finally at a point in my life that I don’t give a damn what others think of *my* body.  It is *my* body and I know where I’ve come and how far it was.  So this week we shall all remember – Do not judge others.  They are carrying enough stress judging themselves!  

This week walked: 17.40

TOTAL 2017 Miles:  233.95


Posted by on 05/22/2017 in Journey with Friends


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21 responses to “Journey with Friends – Week 20

  1. easyweimaraner

    05/22/2017 at 1:40 am

    that was great to read… I jump with joy for the new swimsuit and I’m happy with you that your plan works so supergreat !!! and the idea to move more while shopping is fabulous…. hope online shopping counts too… I move my fingers (a lot!) LOL

    • Piglove

      05/22/2017 at 10:13 am

      Hey exercise is exercise – it doesn’t matter what body part you are working – LOL. I have the swimsuit. I haven’t even tried it on yet. I also got some new delicates. I need to lose more weight – HA

  2. kandykid

    05/22/2017 at 1:51 am

    You are doing very well sweet one, congratulations!

    • Piglove

      05/22/2017 at 10:13 am

      aaww thanks my friend ❤

  3. ixcanaan

    05/22/2017 at 4:58 am

    Congratulations, June! I love to see those three rows of completed circles and i bet you love to see them even more! Especially since you are noticing the difference in your health! You are doing such a great job on this program!! You are going to rock this new swimsuit!!`

    • Piglove

      05/22/2017 at 10:26 am

      aaww thank you so much. It is definitely a journey and an adventure. Although I haven’t seen the scales move lately, my body is again shifting – which I love 🙂 I still need to try on that swimsuit but I have a couple months yet. Thank you so much for your support. It does mean the world to me. ❤

  4. Genevieve Petrillo

    05/22/2017 at 6:03 am

    Congratulations on 3 weeks of perfect AppleWatch circles! That’s amazing. Bathing suit time is coming fast. Your Mickey suit sounds perfect in every way!

    • Piglove

      05/22/2017 at 10:26 am

      I can’t wait to try it on – LOL. I look at it every day but soon I will be brave enough to try it. I mean hey it’s Mickey Mouse – it can’t be that bad, right? LOL

  5. Hailey and Zaphod

    05/22/2017 at 8:49 am

    You had an awesome week! I get up early all year, but especially in the summer. Keep walking!

    • Piglove

      05/22/2017 at 10:27 am

      You know I was going to get up early this morning and hit Satan (my treadmill) LOL – but I didn’t . Sleep won!

  6. Ladybuggz

    05/22/2017 at 2:18 pm

    Glad your feeling better after your car crash! Sweaty boobs aren’t fun!! lol…

    • Piglove

      05/22/2017 at 3:10 pm

      AMEN to that sister – LOL. This week is my last week of rehab. I’m so excited!

      • Ladybuggz

        05/22/2017 at 4:15 pm

        Good for you! 🙂

  7. Tails Around the Ranch

    05/22/2017 at 6:14 pm

    Look at that iWatch graphic! Way to go. P.S. I used to take baby wipes for those hot days to freshen up after walks in hot weather. Hey, if it’s good enough for babies… 😇

    • Piglove

      05/23/2017 at 10:09 am

      That is a most excellent suggestion. Thank you my friend. I’m going to throw a pack in my workout bag. Today it is raining so I’m walking in doors. I’m trying to get up earlier in the morning and walk my treadmill at home but it’s just not working out that way yet – LOL. And those circles are getting harder and harder. I so appreciate your support sweet friend ❤

  8. speedyrabbit

    05/22/2017 at 6:20 pm

    Well done lovely you have down pat,even though I am on vacation I am still walking every day around 4 miles or more and I am eating very clean, no idea eh at my weight will be when I get back, keep up the good work, xx Rachel

    • Piglove

      05/23/2017 at 10:17 am

      That is so totally awesome!! I know you are enjoying the sun and sand there my sweet friend. Enjoy some for me too okay! ❤

  9. angelswhisper2011

    05/23/2017 at 3:55 am

    You are so funny, miss June. Two different zip codes on the boops….MOL 😀 Great archievements again this week and your own Mickey Mouse to swim with *paws up* Extra double Pawkisses to all of you 🙂 ❤

    • Piglove

      05/23/2017 at 10:19 am

      aaww thank you sweet friend. It was definitely a struggle last week but I got all of those rings filled for sure!! ❤

  10. katsrus

    05/23/2017 at 7:34 am

    Keep up the great work. Have a wonderful day.
    Sue B

    • Piglove

      05/23/2017 at 10:20 am

      Thanks sweet friend. I appreciate that. YOU have a wonderful day as well ❤


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