Journey with Friends – Week 4

30 Jan

Welcome my friends to our weekly issue of Journey with Friends.  This is a time that we come together for support, for encouragement, for fellowship – all with one single goal in mind – to live better.  Welcome to our journey to share our goals and our accomplishments and our disappointments and frustrations.

Together we can do this!

January 22, 2017 – The day of rest.  Today calls for cleaning, laundry and FOOTBALL.  Too bad the i-Watch doesn’t keep up with the day-to-day activities that we do.  You know what I mean.  For example:  shaving aerobics.  It has to account for something twisting yourself like a pretzel to shave your legs.  Or scrubbing the toilet/shower/tub areas.  All of that moving around, grunting and groaning.  What about cleaning the litter box?  Or making a king size bed by yourself.  LOL – some things just don’t get counted.  Miles Moved:  0.70

January 23, 2017–  Back to work – back to grind of things.  I think I like taking a walk during my lunch ‘break’.  It gives me energy to survive the rest of the afternoon.  I’m kind of ticked though because my walk didn’t make my exercise circle – it did make my activity circle though.  It’s weird.  I’ll look at it again tomorrow to see what’s going on.  Miles Moved: 2.08

January 24, 2017 –  Still feeling good and motivated which is awesome.  I can’t remember ever changing my eating habits and feeling this good.  Totally weird for sure.  I like to take my walk between 11-11:30am at work.  This is before people start going to lunch so there’s still a lot of people in their offices just in case I need someone.  Funny how we think about that huh?  But I’m a safety girl – LOL.  And again, my walk didn’t make my exercise circle on my i-Watch.  Stomping my southern feet 😦  I’ll give it one more shot tomorrow to see what I’m doing wrong.  Miles Moved: 1.79

January 25, 2017 –   Still walking the parking lot.  I feel good afterwards.  Do I want to before hand – absolutely NOT!  But in the end, I know it’s good for me.  And it’s only been since the beginning of January, but I feel my body changing in good ways – my legs are getting stronger – my pain levels are not so high lately.  That’s totally awesome.  Miles Moved: 2.27

January 26, 2017 –  I almost have a perfect week in my activity rings.  As long as I’m pushing it and my activity ring circles, I feel great about myself.  From going completely sedentary to moving, it feels good.  Yep, I can’t believe I said that.  🙂  Miles Moved: 2.05

January 27, 2017 –  Friday!  Can I get a YES!  Of course, Friday wouldn’t be Friday without something happening, right?  I don’t walk on Friday’s at work because I want to walk on Saturday with the hub unit.  We shall see how this works for sure.  Miles Moved:  1.43

January 28, 2017 –  Well, one of the appliances decided to quit working at the house (we will post about that later).  Stress is a wonderful thing – ha!  Lot’s of waiting today for the delivery man… I mean lots of waiting.  Miles Moved: 1.47

Thought of the week:   I think I finally found my groove.  I walk at work Monday thru Thursday.  Then I pick up one day on the weekend to walk with the hub unit.  It’s taking me the entire month of January but I think I have a system now – yay!  My next weigh in is 02/01/2017.  Hopefully there will be a good change going south on the scales.  I hope so… I really hope so 🙂

This week walked: 11.79

TOTAL 2017 Miles:  45.23

Weigh In 01/15/2017:  -6 pounds


Posted by on 01/30/2017 in Journey with Friends


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22 responses to “Journey with Friends – Week 4

  1. easyweimaraner

    01/30/2017 at 9:56 am

    hahahaha you’re right… shaving aerobics works that way… butt at least we haven’t to listen to the common aerobics music while trying the transformation from grizzly to human :o)

  2. sheilaenglehart

    01/30/2017 at 10:20 am

    Yeah! Just keep walking, walking, walking. Just keep walking!

    • Piglove

      01/30/2017 at 1:49 pm

      LOL!! Sometimes I even sing sweet Dora when walking. Just get me through this next mile please 🙂

  3. Pat

    01/30/2017 at 10:25 am

    Walking around that king size bed ought to count for something. That’s a hike! Seems like stress ought to work off some calories, too, not that I’d recommend it. 🙂 I really admire your attitude, that is so very important. Hang in there!

    • Piglove

      01/30/2017 at 1:50 pm

      Thanks sweet friend. I’m determined. I think I finally have a walk routine that I can live with and actually stick to… I hope anyway 🙂

  4. CarolMaeWY

    01/30/2017 at 12:30 pm

    You’re doing great, June. You’ve probably walked again today as I write this.

    • Piglove

      01/30/2017 at 1:51 pm

      nods head – yep. I’m making it my lunch routine Monday-Thursday. I feel totally motivated afterwards to get through the afternoon. That’s a good thing, right?

      • CarolMaeWY

        01/30/2017 at 1:53 pm

        Yes, several people I knew liked their lunch time routine. I was a morning person, but that changed with retirement. 😉

      • Piglove

        01/30/2017 at 3:14 pm

        LOL – hopefully soon in several years I will be following that same route with you… at least I hope 🙂

  5. katsrus

    01/30/2017 at 3:03 pm

    Your doing wonderful. Keep it up.
    Sue B

    • Piglove

      01/30/2017 at 3:34 pm

      Thanks! I really appreciate your support ❤

  6. Cupcake

    01/30/2017 at 8:28 pm

    Great week of moving! I’m excited about the weigh in. I have a good feeling about it.

    Love and licks,

    • Piglove

      01/30/2017 at 10:08 pm

      I am too! I can’t wait to see if the scales go south. Baby steps is what I keep telling myself. But I’m hoping for at least 10 pounds for January.

  7. Fozziemum

    01/31/2017 at 12:44 am

    You go girl! I get that bed’s a real workout..and just pulling the doona up is like dragging the ocean! My app on my phone which i have permanently on my arm counts all those steps..i am not missing one! 😁😁 but you are right you do feel better…we got this sweets 😘😘xx Loves Bev

    • Piglove

      01/31/2017 at 8:22 am

      aaww thanks sweet friend. We *do* have this. One step and one day at a time ❤ XOXO – June

  8. Tails Around the Ranch

    02/03/2017 at 4:58 pm

    Big time congrats! Way to go…so happy with all the progress you’ve been making. ❤ Keep up the good work!

    • Piglove

      02/05/2017 at 7:48 pm

      Aaww. Thanks my friend. It’s support from people like you that keep me going. Wait until you read my posting tomorrow. This weekend we weighed. I’m feeling so good!! ❤

      • Tails Around the Ranch

        02/05/2017 at 7:49 pm

        Have a chip. Your team is rocking!

      • Piglove

        02/05/2017 at 8:01 pm

        I know! We are so excited. They have to keep maintaining their stamina through the second half now and fight for it. XOXO Bacon

      • Tails Around the Ranch

        02/05/2017 at 8:03 pm

        If history holds true, no team has come back from that big of a deficit. Fingers crossed.

      • Piglove

        02/05/2017 at 8:30 pm

        Hooves, paws, toes and fingers crossed here. XOXO Bacon


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