Tag Archives: unexplained

31 Days of Spook – St Louis Cemetery #1, Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery and Howard Street Cemetery

So you were brave enough to come back for another scare my friends?  How brave you are.  You may want ask your human to get you a night light tonight because it can only get worse from here – insert evil snort.  Today we are going to highlight some famous and eerie cemeteries.  Are you brave enough to enter my cemetery of the famous dead? I’ve wandered throughout the internet and done a lot of research to bring you some intriguing places of final rest… or is it?  I hope that you find them interesting.

 Let’s take a little stroll amidst the stones shall we.

When I think of scary and mysterious cemeteries, my first thoughts have to go towards New Orleans.  Let’s visit the St. Louis Cemetery #1.   This cemetery opened in 1789 and there are over 100,000 residents.  With that much of a crowd, you know some have to be a little unhappy with their final resting place.  I know I would be.  The most famous tenant here is Marie Laveau.  Marie Laveau was a famous voodoo priestess.  People visit her grave site often and mark three “X’s” on her grave.  People that do so believe that by marking the three “X’s”, Marie Laveau will grant them their wish.

The next that came to mind were two different cemeteries in the Chicago area.  One was Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery in Chicagoland.  I’ve heard about this place a lot over the years.  I’ve seen specials on television and mommy has read me different chilling facts in books.  Not only does this cemetery have a history of unexplained lights and ghosts, it has an entire house that mysteriously appears and disappears.  Many people that have seen the house describe it as a white farmhouse with pillars and a swing.  The other cemetery was Resurrection Cemetery in Chicago.  This story sends chills up and down my spine every time I see it on television.  It starts off with a beautiful girl who was walking home from a dance one late night.  She was hit by a car and killed and has been looking for a ride home every since.  I saw a story one night where a man picked up this lady at a dance.  They danced into the late hours and he admitted that she felt cold to the touch.  Upon taking her home after the dance, she asked him to stop in front of the cemetery.  She got out and disappeared into the air.

And how can we forget the most eerie of places in Salem, Massachusetts at Howard Street Cemetery.  With all of the witch hunts that took place here, this has got to be one of the most haunted places in the United States.  Just think of all of the innocent people that were slowly tortured and burned at the stake for the public believing they were witches.  How many of those spirits still walk around wanting people to know that they were innocent but forever labeled a witch.  Talk about your unfinished business in setting things straight.  This reminds me of a story that mom told me about a guy named Giles Corey.  He was officially the only person to die by torture during these Witch Trials.  He wouldn’t say that he was a witch so the sheriff of the time made him lay down in the middle of his field.  The sheriff then had a board placed across his chest and slowly added stones on top of the board.  Eventually two days later, Corey was crushed to death in a slow and agonizing way.


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31 Days of Spook – Cemeteries

So you were brave enough to come back for another scare my friends?  How brave you are.  You may want ask your human to get you a night light tonight because it can only get worse from here – insert evil snort.  Today we are going to highlight some famous and eerie cemeteries.  Are you brave enough to enter my cemetery of the famous dead? I’ve wandered throughout the internet and done a lot of research to bring you some intriguing places of final rest… or is it?  I hope that you find them interesting.

 Let’s take a little stroll amidst the stones shall we.

When I think of scary and mysterious cemeteries, my first thoughts have to go towards New Orleans.  Let’s visit the St. Louis Cemetery #1.   This cemetery opened in 1789 and there are over 100,000 residents.  With that much of a crowd, you know some have to be a little unhappy with their final resting place.  I know I would be.  The most famous tenant here is Marie Laveau.  Marie Laveau was a famous voodoo priestess.  People visit her grave site often and mark three “X’s” on her grave.  People that do so believe that by marking the three “X’s”, Marie Laveau will grant them their wish.

The next that came to mind were two different cemeteries in the Chicago area.  One was Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery in Chicagoland.  I’ve heard about this place a lot over the years.  I’ve seen specials on television and mommy has read me different chilling facts in books.  Not only does this cemetery have a history of unexplained lights and ghosts, it has an entire house that mysteriously appears and disappears.  Many people that have seen the house describe it as a white farmhouse with pillars and a swing.  The other cemetery was Resurrection Cemetery in Chicago.  This story sends chills up and down my spine every time I see it on television.  It starts off with a beautiful girl who was walking home from a dance one late night.  She was hit by a car and killed and has been looking for a ride home every since.  I saw a story one night where a man picked up this lady at a dance.  They danced into the late hours and he admitted that she felt cold to the touch.  Upon taking her home after the dance, she asked him to stop in front of the cemetery.  She got out and disappeared into the air.

And how can we forget the most eerie of places in Salem, Massachusetts at Howard Street Cemetery.  With all of the witch hunts that took place here, this has got to be one of the most haunted places in the United States.  Just think of all of the innocent people that were slowly tortured and burned at the stake for the public believing they were witches.  How many of those spirits still walk around wanting people to know that they were innocent but forever labeled a witch.  Talk about your unfinished business in setting things straight.  This reminds me of a story that mom told me about a guy named Giles Corey.  He was officially the only person to die by torture during these Witch Trials.  He wouldn’t say that he was a witch so the sheriff of the time made him lay down in the middle of his field.  The sheriff then had a board placed across his chest and slowly added stones on top of the board.  Eventually two days later, Corey was crushed to death in a slow and agonizing way.


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Bacon’s Tales of Terror

Glad you could make it to this month’s edition of Bacon’s Tales of Terrors.  I was hoping that you would show up again… not be too afraid to read this month’s posting.  I bet you’re wondering what this graphic of a bunch of play mice has to do with todays Tales of Terror.

Do you remember a couple of months ago, I spoke about the mysterious ‘squeak’ here in the Hotel Thompson?  No?  There’s an unknown squeak.  It sounds like a pet toy that squeaks.  It goes off every once in a while, usually in the same room that everyone is in.  You don’t think that’s scary?  What if I told you that we don’t have any ‘squeaky’ toys inside of the Hotel Thompson.  That’s right – none, nada, zilch.

You see, several years ago we had a beautiful laborador here at the Hotel Thompson.  Her name was Honie Bear and she loved squeaky toys.  Not to play with but to destroy – snorts.  So mom/dad took up all of the squeaky toys throughout the house because they were afraid that Honie Bear would swallow the ‘squeak’.  Honie Bear went over the rainbow about four years ago.  Thus, mom/dad know for sure that there are no squeaky toys in this house.

But still, when things are quiet and everyone is in the same room together – even the purr things – they hear a squeak.  Usually it’s just one squeak.  It may go weeks or sometimes months without hearing it again.  It’s not a mouse squeak – it sounds like a real squeak.  And it gets the purr things attention.  They try to look around the room for it and they never find it.  Strange.  And it is still happening.  Mom/dad says that when Spring gets here, they are doing some major Spring cleaning to see if it shows up.  But until then, it’s a sound that everyone here finds mysterious.

And something else happened a couple of weeks ago here at the Hotel Thompson that makes you go hhmm.

We keep our bathroom door closed here due to the purr things wanting to get in there and play with the water.  Yep, you read that right.  The play things like to get into the bathroom and play WITH the water.  Shakes piggy head – we are a weird bunch here, huh?

Mouse Girl will go to the bathroom door, scratch on it and ‘call’ for daddy to come let her into the bathroom.  Daddy was busy this date and kept telling her not right now.  A few minutes of this went on and then it stopped.  Daddy thought that was strange.  So, he listened intently for a few minutes.  He heard what sounded like someone getting on the toilet in the bathroom.  If you have purr things, sometimes you will hear this.  It’s like a stepping stone for them to get on the sink where they can then play with the water.

Daddy shook his head.  Nah, the door was shut but yet he heard that noise.  He went down the hall to check on the bathroom.  The door was standing open, the light was on and Mouse Girl was on the sink playing with the water.  Daddy *might* have said WTF and I’m not sure what that means but he was a little shocked.  I mean, okay we can say that maybe the door wasn’t closed all of the way.  And we can say that Mouse Girl knows how to turn the water on.  But, the light.  How did the light get turned on?

Makes you go hhmmm doesn’t it?  Well, I hope you enjoyed my Tales of Terror on this 13th day of the month.  And today or tonight when you are home, make sure you pay close attention to the lights in your bathroom for fear of them turning on themselves 🙂


Posted by on 03/13/2014 in Bacons Tales of Terror


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Weird or What?

Hello friends.  This is actually me.  I know some of you question as whether or not I’m a pig – I am 🙂  I’m up on the couch for snuggle time with mom getting ready to watch some of our regular television shows. 

I wanted to give you a heads up on a new television show that we have started watching on Tuesday nights.  It’s called Weird or What? and is hosted by William Shatner.  Now, I’m not going to lie.  It did take us a couple of weeks to get caught on to the show and now we are full fledged followers.

Here, it comes on the SyFy channel – we *love* that channel.  Each episode contains two to three stories of the bizarre and unexplained.  It balances out the supernatural vs. scientific theories of the individual cases.  It mainly features strange occurrences like ghosts, aliens, monsters, natural disasters and medical oddities.

I don’t think that this is the first time it has been on television.  I want to say that it premiered in maybe 2010 and only had three seasons on the Discovery Channel?  Someone let me know if I’m wrong. 

If you get a chance and you’re looking for something to watch tonight, bounce over to the SyFy channel and check it out.  Let me know what you think.


Posted by on 05/14/2013 in Bacon


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