Tag Archives: i-watch activity

Journey with Friends – Week 3

Welcome my friends to our weekly issue of Journey with Friends.  This is a time that we come together for support, for encouragement, for fellowship – all with one single goal in mind – to live better.  Welcome to our journey to share our goals and our accomplishments and our disappointments and frustrations.

Together we can do this!

January 15, 2017 – And on the seventh day, God rested.  Thank goodness for Sundays.  Sundays are my do nothing day.  No workouts.  It’s a me day to do what I want/need, like catching up on my blogs and watching some television to see what’s going on in the world.  I like to refer to it as my no worry day.  I don’t have to watch the clock for time.  But on the other hand, it’s also my catch up day with cleaning and laundry.  So no workouts but these other activities do count too, right?  Miles Moved: 0:41 (which is not really accurate because I didn’t wear my i-watch for most of the day)

January 16, 2017 – We were off from work today in honor of MLK.  This gave me lots of time to get up and move it – move it. I persuaded the hub unit if I took him out for breakfast he would then do my errands with me and then walk the stadium down the street.  I think he enjoyed it although he’s not admitting to it – LOL.  When we got home, he said he wouldn’t mind walking the stadium again.  I’m sure Lucifer misses me but hey the great outdoors was calling my name today and I grabbed it.  This is going into my third week.  Last week was up/down.  This week will be so much better.  In fact, I’m pushing hard between now and the end of the month to step it up a notch.  In fact, on my i-Watch today, I completed all of my rings on my activity!  Miles Moved: 2.06

January 17, 2017 – Back to work today!  Today was a busy day with being off for the holiday yesterday.  I did manage to get in a quick walk outside and around the building.  Unfortunately I wasn’t wearing my tennis shoes so guess what I got.  Yep – nods head – two blisters under both feet.  Joybells – I’m so excited.  But you know what?  When I got home, I put on two pairs of socks and my tennis shoes and hit Lucifer – go me!  I felt so much better.  I’m not going to let some blisters get in my way – no way!  And today, I filled all of my rings again – go me!!  That’s 2 days in a row.  Miles Moved: 2.61

January 18, 2017 –  Icky – it’s trying to rain outside today.  I really enjoy getting my walks in around mid-day to break up my routine.  I did bring my umbrella into the office in case I can get out.  And yes, I brought my tennis shoes today 🙂  I thought I would tell you more about the ‘rings’ on the i-Watch.  The red is your ‘move’ activity.  Currently, my red is set to burn 320 calories a day (this goes up/down weekly according to what you are doing).  As you get closer to your goal of 320, the red line circles around.  The green is your ‘exercise’ activity.  It is set for 30 minutes a day.  You can set your workout clock on your i-Watch and exercise throughout the day – you don’t have to do everything at once.  All of your exercise adds up to your day .  And the blue is your ‘stand’ activity.  This one really comes in handy with me because at times, I forget to get up from my desk and move around a bit. I hope that helps you understand more about my activity rings.  Miles Moved: 2.74

January 19, 2017 –  There’s a lot to get done at the worky place today.  I’m feeling kind overwhelmed.  I got in one quick walk around the parking lot and that was it.  I think with the work that I have to complete, my lovely blisters and things that I have to get done at the house in the next couple of days, I need to distress tonight.  Walked Lucifer when I got home.  Didn’t get all of my rings filled on my activity levels, but I can live with that.  Got so much done at work.  Miles Moved:  2.56

January 20, 2017 –  Woke up with a migraine.  Don’t you hate those?  Stayed low key today and tried to take care of me – my head and my feet.  Didn’t move too much.  Miles Moved: 0.87

January 21, 2017 –  Today is a new day!  Feel so much better.  Got the hub unit out with me and we ran so many errands together.  Miles Moved:  1.80

Thought of the week:  In the beginning, I was thinking that I just *had* to move ever day and work out.  I’m just starting.  You can’t take someone that is so sedentary behind a desk and blaze through life.  It’s about finding a balance that works for me.  So next week, I’m focusing on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday during the week working out hard.  Saturday I will do the same with the hub unit in tow.  The other days (besides my day of rest Sunday), I will still move but not focus on the working out.  I’ll see how this works out.  I’ll keep you posted.

This week walked: 13.05

TOTAL 2017 Miles:  33.44

First Weigh In 01/15/2017:  -6 pounds


Posted by on 01/23/2017 in Journey with Friends


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